The PFDW would like to thank our sponsors and supporters for promoting the mission of the Federation.
2019 Outstanding Elected Democratic Women’s Brunch Sponsors
Capozzi Adler, P.C.
John Mancke, Esq.
2018 Outstanding Elected Democratic Women’s Brunch Sponsors
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
The Greater Westmoreland County Labor Council
Dauphin County Commissioner George Hartwick
Auditor General Eugene DePasquale
2017 Friend of PFDW Award
Auditor General Eugene DePasquale
Recipient of the 2017 Friend of PFDW Award for his unwavering and generous support of Democratic women presented on Sunday November 19, 2017
2017 Outstanding Elected Democratic Women’s Brunch Sponsors
AFSCME Local13
State Representative Margo Davidson
The Greater Westmoreland County Labor Council
Plumbers Union Local 690