Per Capita Dues Deadline


Name PFDW Corresponding Secretary Email
Per the PFDW bylaws, Section 5 – Dues of Affiliated Clubs:
By April 15 of each year affiliated clubs shall pay per capita dues to the
Federation for each paid-up member of the club.

Per the PFDW bylaws, Section 5 – Dues of Affiliated Clubs:

By April 15 of each year affiliated clubs shall pay per capita dues to the

Federation for each paid-up member of the club. The dues amount shall be the

same as the dues amount paid the prior year unless action was taken to change the

amount at the intervening Convention and notification given to affiliated clubs by at

least March 1. An alphabetized list of club members, with their address, email, and

phone number shall accompany the payment. Payment and accompanying list shall

be received by the Federation Corresponding Secretary, or postmarked, no later

than April 15. In order for a club or club member to send/be a delegate and vote

at any Convention, the dues payment must be received, or postmarked, as
